K-pop = The Audio Form of Crack

3 min readAug 6, 2021


30(+1) Day Song Challenge Day 6: “A Song That Makes You Want to Dance”

Whether if it’s a little shimmy or a full on dance routine; K-pop songs would always trigger a spot in your body to wiggle. I’m almost 100% sure those producers collaboratively added an extra extra special crack while producing those beats. I was initially not a fan of the genre, but this is K-pop we’re talking about, you can not escape them. They’re in your car, at the restaurant where you dine in, and even in your closest sanctuary; your home. In my case, my sister is the main culprit.

When I tell you that I’m “Shooketh to My Core” when I received the news that my sister has started to stan BTS, I am Shooketh. She was probably the last person I thought who would join the scheme, but boy was I wrong. It’s been about 3 years since that day and the flame never went down. Well, it’s not her fault, since the whole industry caters a lot of content to the fans through diverse media. From there, she branched to many other idols; MAMAMOO, TWICE, Red Velvet, even Epik High, BIBI, and IU. Out of all that, the song I’m going to choose for today’s theme is What is Love by TWICE.

Let me get this straight; I didn’t choose this song because of that recent TikTok trend. The memories behind it was actually kind of sweet.

A scene from What is Love by TWICE MV

Let’s date back to June 2020. Me and my sister were having a sleepover at my cousin’s house. It’s been a while since we’ve done that. Our sleepover tradition has been going on since the longest I could remember, though not as often as it used to be. But, whenever and wherever we’re having it, we just knew that all the fun are heading our way.

The clock indicates that it’s past midnight, but the signal to sleep is far from our thoughts. Running out of ideas to do, we turn on the TV and head to Youtube. As a K-pop connoisseur, my sister & cousin went on a deep-craze-tour of Iconic K-pop Songs. They were explaining every theory, reciting every nonsensical lyrics, even dance to every routine of the songs. This includes a bunch of BTS, Red Velvet, TWICE, TXT, and a lot more. As a non-K-pop-ers, I consumed too much of information all at once, but I do found a lot of good ones that I dig that night. And I end up practicing to What is Love routine really hard, even days after our sleepover ended. The routine was super catchy and relatively easy, and I had so much fun cosplaying as an aspiring idol for the time being.

Hence, to me, What is Love will always be attached to that one memorable sleepover where these three-almost-adult cousins get to experience the homely-fun leisure they used to have as kids.

